Permanency Planning Process/Foster Care Child & Family Team Meetings 624-05-15-20
(Revised 2/10/07 ML #3053)
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The permanency planning process including concurrent planning begins at the time the child is considered to have entered foster care and continues through case closure. This process is intended to assure the safety and well-being of the child and a permanent home in their future. Key benchmarks in the Permanency Planning process are as follows:
- Child enters foster care
- Initial Permanency Plan/Foster Care Child & Family Team Meetings
- Permanency Planning Progress Report/Quarterly Foster Care Child & Family Team Meetings
- Permanency Hearing (judicial or DJS administrative hearing pursuant to N.D.C.C. 27-21)
- Case closure
CCWIPS has been modified to allow concurrent goals to be entered on both the Initial Permanency Plan and the Permanency Planning Progress Report.
In the goals/tasks section of CCWIPS, a case manager may enter "see SPOC" for tasks areas.